Story Charts About

Donnie Darko

Fear and Love
by stanton film
We believe that Donnie Darko was an interesting film because it made the whole audience think critically, by using multiple dimension, contrasting plot lines and mixed emotions like fear and love that establish personal connections with the actors. The movie related to me on a person level by my comparison of the demented bunny(Frank) and the Trix Rabbit. His costume was very creepy and intrigued the audience into his scary demonic eyes. He usually appeared after Donnie took the placebo pills for his mental disorder. But later began to appear randomly like while Donnie was at the movies, or in front of his house. Frank's bunny costume is comparable to the boogeyman as it is not real in the real universe just in the tangent universe that appeared when the Jet Engine didn't kill him. Also, like the boogeyman, Frank strikes fear into the audience, especially when Donnie tries to repeatably stab him with a kitchen knife. This film is classified as a science-fiction movie, because it involves multiple dimensions, time travel, and interweaving plot structures. Matt Younego, Taylor Age, Brandon Battle, Michael Utset, Allen Patrick Poon